Saturday, November 16, 2013

This World is What You Make It

The alarm goes off at 5:35 am.  I roll over and hit snooze for at least ten more minutes.  It is now 5 minutes to 6:00 am.  I can choose to either be a grouch and complain about how exhausted I feel both physically and mentally.  I can dwell on the fact that at times I feel ill equipped to tackle another day with my 19 little rambunctious, lively, and talkative munchins.  Or I can take a deep breath and reflect for a moment.  I pause.  I take a deep breath.  I look at where I am with perspective.  This is it.  This is exactly where I am supposed to be.  God has me here for such a time as this.  

It does not mean it is easy living out on a limb but it is the small things that sure do make everything all worth it.  I am thankful for so much and the way God has provided for me every step of the way has been incredible. 

The world is what we make it.  We can choose to either be a grump about it.  We can hide in our covers all day and dwell in the darkness.  Or we can wake up and live a little.  Open your blinds. Take a deep breath and live a little.  

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Adventures of a First Year TFA Corp Member

My experience in Teach for America has been somewhat of a whirlwind of happenings up until this point.

It seems like yesterday that I was getting ready to pack up my bags for summer institute in Mississippi.  Since then I have completed teaching summer school to 7 precious 2nd graders, experienced life in the deep south, enjoyed a ton of bbq and fried food, flew back home, packed up my car with all my belongings and drove back down to North Carolina.  I did a little couch surfing
and then moved into my beautiful lake house with two other amazing 1st and 2nd year corp members.

All this to say that teaching my 19 little 3rd graders has been incredible.

Driving to school each morning to teach these students has been incredibly humbling, incredibly challenging, and incredibly inspiring.  This is why I love it.  This is why I teach.

I want to be the best that I can be so my kids can be the best that they can be.  They deserve it.  Each and everyone of them.